Baby Horse Ventures Out Into the World

I’ve ridden the baby horse, Freedom, in the round pen about 10 times now. She has the cutest little twisted wire snaffle you’ve ever seen and her own little baby bridle. I did put a saddle on her a few months ago, but we don’t usually use one. Today, Kensley came to help with riding out off property. She hopped on that little “wild” mustang like she was an old show pony and we rode about a half a mile away down the street past the barking dogs, the Christmas blow up thingies, the canal, a very terrifying alpaca, several spooky garbage bins and one incredibly terrifying unicorn statue, all of which the little mustang ignored completely. Cali tried to kick the barkies through the fence, but she’s 15 and not nearly as experienced as the 3 yo Mustang who’s never been out, clearly. We rode around the empty lot for about 20 minutes. I was utterly amazed by this horse (and her rider).

A Towel Bath

After some time in the round pen, the baby was hot and panting. I wanted to hose her off but remembered she is scared of the hose. For some reason, I thought a sponge bath would be less traumatic. I got a towel and a bucket and started sopping water on to her (before I realized this is probably scarier than the hose). She curiously sniffed and nibbled the wet towel and let me put it all over her. We ended by pouring buckets of water on her.

More Grooming, at Liberty

One of the things I really like to do is brush my horses at liberty. It makes me feel like they want me to do it and appreciate having it done. Today, I brushed the baby horse with the strip hair groomer tool all over, even near her feet, and brushed out her forelock, mane, and tail. She stood there quietly, even when Grace came over to check on us. I love this horse more each day.

Around dinner time, we worked on leading around the yard on the lead line and halter. We worked on not stopping to eat grass every time we whoa. The big horses were getting their baths, so we walked through the hose a couple of times – water is very scary. I’ll need to add this to the list of things to work on. Picked up both front feet several times, this time being careful to keep her head up and away from my back so she won’t try to nibble on me. Back feet will be exciting.